Level 5 Social Studies
US History: Post Revolutionary War
SS05.01.01 Formulates an opinion based upon reading and interpreting a slavery song, an Abolitionist writing, and a Pro-Slavery piece
SS05.01.02 Creates a Venn Diagram comparing the views of Northern and Southern Soldiers in the Civil War
SS05.01.03 Creates a project using a variety of sources that investigates a famous early American figure.
SS05.01.04 Writes a narrative from the point of view of a person immigrating to the United States through Ellis Island
SS05.01.05 Creates a project using a variety of sources that investigates a famous influential person from 1900 to present.
SS05.02.01 Creates a project that demonstrates an understanding of Manifest Destiny
SS05.02.02 Sequences the major events of the Civil War
SS05.02.03 Creates a timeline of the 20th Century America including major wars, depression, and the industrial revolution
SS05.03.01 Creates a map of the Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition
SS05.03.02 Identifies the 50 States and their capitals
SS05.03.03 Identifies the major geographical features and regions of the United States
SS05.03.04 Uses and calculates scale, longitude, latitude, and time zones on maps
SS05.04.01 Diagrams and explains the branches of US government
SS05.04.02 Explains the importance of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
SS05.05.01 Creates a model, diagram, or map showing the economic injustices of a southern plantation
SS05.05.02 Formulates questions and investigates economic reasons for westward expansion.
Resources for All of Level 5
Core Resource: Scott Foresman, The United States, Volume 2 Digital Resources: MindPoint Video, Video Field Trips, Lesson Planner, Exam View, http://www.sfsocialstudies.com
Alignment to R4R and core resource
Free American History Textbook - http://www.ushistory.org/us/index.asp
Level 5 SS Outline:level_5_social_studies_outline.docx
Teacher Created Resources: Geography statesandcapitals.pdf landformassessment.docx landformsgraphicorganizer.pdf landformsworksheet.pdf map-states-state-abbreviations.pdf regionsoftheunitedstatesfoldup.pdf statesandcapitals.pdf statesandcapitalsjeopardy.ppt statesandcapitalssong.pdf teachlatitudeandlongitude.docx cartoonnotesformapskillslatitude.pdf
Teacher Created Resources: Westward Expansion lewis_and_clark_webquest_.docx lewisandclarkactivityfun.pdf lewisandclarkvirtualfieldtrip_1_.pdf acollectionofwebquestswestwardexpansionthelandrushandthegoldrush.pdf louisianapurchasewebquest.pdf manifestdestinywebquestwithkeyhistorycom.pdf westwardexpansionapowerpointpresentation.pptx
Teacher Created Resources: People and Culture abolitionreviewactivity.pdf causesish.pdf causesish_answers.pdf ellis-island-immigration.pdf underground-railroad-songs.pdf blackline_0.pdf ellisislandinteractivetour.pdf bundleof32americanrevolution32civilwartradingcardstobemade.pdf famouspeopleofthe20thcenturyresearchproject.pdf
Mr. Bett's Class: Videos created by a social studies teacher. He creates song parodies, animations, and other great videos to engage students in American history! https://www.youtube.com/user/MrBettsClass