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Social Studies Level 11

World History

SS11.01.01 Describes and maps key Renaissance explorers, including Marco Polo and Magellan

SS11.01.02 Explains the origins, growth, and consequences of the Protestant Reformation including key figures

SS11.01.03 Explains the origins, growth, and consequences of the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution including key figures

SS11.01.04 Explains the origins, growth, and consequences of the French Revolution and key figures

SS11.01.05 Explains the causes of the Russian Revolution and discuss key figures

SS11.02.01 Explains at least one African resistance movement to European imperialism

SS11.02.02 Analyzes the modern Palestine-Israel conflict

SS11.02.03 Analyzes the causes and consequences of the Iranian Islamic Revolution and identifies key figures

SS11.03.01 Explains the causes of British imperialism in India, Indian resistance movements, and Indian independence

SS11.03.02 Explains the causes and effects of the Opium Wars

SS11.03.03 Compares and contrasts the Taiping Rebellion and Boxer Uprising

SS11.03.04 Explains the causes and consequences of the Chinese Revolution and identifies key figures

SS11.04.01 Describes pre and post revolutionary Latin America and identifies key figures

SS11.04.02 Analyzes present day issues in South American and identifies key figures

SS11.05.01 Compares and contrasts the art and literature of two eras

SS11.05.02 Explains the origins, growth, and consequences of the Industrial Revolution and key inventions

SS11.05.03 Describes the indigenous cultures of Australia and explains the push and pull factors of European imperialism

SS11.05.04 Compares and contrasts the Panama and Suez Canals and their significance in world trade

SS11.05.05 Analyzes modern genocides

SS11.05.06 Uses census data from the last 50 years to describe population changes in India and China

SS11.06.01 Compares and contrasts two maps to show change over time

SS11.06.02 Maps the military conquests of Napoleon and compare to modern European political boundaries

SS11.06.03 Compares and contrasts at least two famines in history in relation to their geographic location

SS11.06.04 Maps the partition of Africa during European imperialism to 1914

SS11.06.05 Locates the countries of the Middle East on a map

SS11.06.06 Locates all the countries on the continent of Africa (including Madagascar)

SS11.06.07 Maps the member nations of OPEC and charts world oil consumption

SS11.07.01 Compares and contrasts at least two systems of government

SS11.07.02 Analyzes a current crisis in Africa and develops a potential solution

SS11.08.01 Explains how limited resources and human wants cause people to choose some things and give up others

SS11.08.02 Describes how natural resources affected the growth of the Industrial Revolution and names one industry that was affected

SS11.08.03 Defines infrastructure and identifies key elements

SS11.08.04 Analyzes current economic issues in Africa in relation to early 20th century European imperialism

SS11.08.05 Explains China’s current trend towards capitalism as a consequence of globalization

SS11.08.06 Examines the rise of the European Union and its economic consequences

Resources for All of Level 11

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