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Employability Level 9

EM09.01.01 Prioritizes three career choices based on personal strengths, weaknesses, values and interests

EM09.01.02 Updates resume and list of references

EM09.01.03 Uses various resources to demonstrate skills to locate and use information about careers, jobs, and postsecondary options

EM09.01.04 Practices professional communication skills (firm hand shake, eye contact, appropriate introductions, cold-calling businesses, etc.)

EM09.01.05 Interviews one person from a career of personal interest

EM09.01.06 Understands the connection between education and career opportunities

EM09.01.07 Understands the connection between career choice and resultant lifestyle

EM09.01.08 Understands that businesses and corporations have a hierarchal structure and a chain of command

EM09.01.09 Understands that both employees and employers have legal rights and responsibilities

EM09.01.10 Displays dependability by exhibiting commitment, follow-through and strong work ethic

EM09.01.11 Demonstrates flexibility, adaptability and resiliency while maintaining a positive attitude (through perseverance, acceptance, problem solving, and patience)

EM09.01.12 Consistently applies non-violent conflict resolution strategies

EM09.01.13 Revises education map

EM09.01.14 Completes team service project following these steps: name three examples of possible service projects, complete needs assessment, evaluate the impact of various projects, design project, complete and evaluate

EM09.01.15 Maintains an updated personal Wellness and Safety Plan

Resources for All of Employability Level 9

employability_level_9.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/18 20:37 by