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Social Studies Level 3

Alaska Studies

SS03.01.01 Presents an indigenous migration theory (Bering Land Bridge, Island Hopping) through writing, drawing and/or discussions

SS03.01.02 Creates a project that compares and contrasts housing, family structures, clothing, language, art, and use of environmental resources between at least two Alaskan Native Groups

SS03.01.03Explains reasons for Russian exploration and lists causes and effects of contact

SS03.01.04 Reads and summarizes an Alaskan Native legend and/or song.

SS03.02.01 Creates a timeline that sequences at least 10 main events from Native Alaskan history to the present

SS03.02.02 Presents a project on how tools, technology, and/or transportation has or will change in Alaska using the terms past, present, and future

SS03.03.01 Creates a relief map identifying major land features (rivers, deltas, lakes, glaciers, mountains, valleys, volcanoes) and towns of Alaska

SS03.03.02 Creates a simple map showing where Alaskan Native groups (Athabascan, Aleut, Tlingit, Haida, Inuit, Eyak, Yup’ik, and Tsimshian ) reside

SS03.04.01 Identifies major Alaskan symbols such as Alaskan flag, song, flower, bird etc.

SS03.04.02 Presents information about a significant Alaskan leader through writing, drawings and discussions

SS03.04.03 Creates a diagram that shows leadership and government roles in Alaska including the following: village or tribal leader, mayor, city council, state courts, governor, state legislature

SS03.05.01 Identifies natural and manufactured resources exported, imported and used in Alaska

SS03.05.02 Creates a travel brochure which includes a graph or chart and outlines major attractions (services) and resources (goods) of Alaska

Resources for All of Level 3

social_studies_level_3.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/29 22:37 by sara_erickson