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Technology Level 8

TE8.01 Explains the basic principals of Local Area Networks, Wide Area Networks, and the World Wide Web.

TE8.02 Knows terms associated with the Internet (URL, http, app, atp, file extensions, os, html, bookmarks, browser, etc.)

TE8.03 Identifies several types of websites (personal, blogs, blogs, portfolios, informational, business, professional, social media), and knows when to utilize each type.

TE8.04 Uses an online tutorial and discusses the benefits and disadvantages of using this method of learning.

TE8.05Explains the various digital media copyright policies and applies them in a variety of situations (Fair Use, LGPL,GNU, PDL).

TE8.06 Uses multiples sources of information when doing digital research, to include online libraries and databases.

TE8.07 Gather data, examine patterns, and apply information for decision making, using digital tools and resources.

TE8.08 Uses a spreadsheet in a real-life application (e.g., concessions, student store, exercise data, scientific data).

TE8.09 Explains the responsibilities of cyber citizens.

TE8.10 Knows and demonstrates ways to stay safe and be responsible on the internet, in regards to one's personal information, viruses, privacy settings, digital footprint, and password settings.

TE8.11 Participate in a cooperative learning project in an online learning community

Resources for All of Level 8

technology/technology_level_8.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 18:14 by srigby