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Technology Level 9


09.TE.01 Proficiently create and update an online portfolio/website to store and display work, to interact with others, to get feedback, and to publish to the “real world” (EG: Google Sites, Word Press).
09.TE.02 Evaluate physical and digital procedures that could be implemented to protect electronic data/information. Explain the impacts of malware (e.g., phishing, hacking, ransomware).
09.TE.03 Discuss the social impacts and ethical considerations associated with cybersecurity, including the positive and malicious purposes of hacking.
09.TE.04 Compare and contrast human intelligence and computer intelligence (e.g., emotional decision making versus logical decisions; common sense; literal versus abstract).
09.TE.05 Evaluate and offer suggestions to improve the design of past or current technologies to meet the needs of diverse users and increase accessibility (including settings on devices) and usability.
09.TE.06 Describe the pros and cons associated with existing computing technologies, explaining their effects on economies and global societies, and explore community and global careers related to the field of computer science (e.g., automation, AI, resource consumption,ect.).
09.TE.07 Research “emerging technologies” and discuss the implications of several of these by creating a digital presentation.
09.TE.08 With guidance, participates in 9th grade level Computer Science lessons to accomplish a task or as a creative expression using a programming language, robot device or unplugged activity (i.e., scratch, ect).
09.TE.09 Complete 3 or more age-appropriate digital health and/or wellness lessons (i.e.,
09.TE.10 Explore different technology careers through guest speakers, virtual job shadows, or partnerships with local businesses.


Resources for all of Level 9:

technology/09.te/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/24 14:46 by