Technology Level 5

TE5.01 Creates a cooperative multimedia project that incorporates sound, video, and graphics to clarify and present information.

TE5.02 Describe and illustrate a content-related concept or process using a model, simulation, or concept-mapping software

TE5.03 Communicates with others by selecting and using a variety of appropriate technology tools.

TE5.04 Selects and applies digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data.

TE5.05 Explains copyright rules (laws) about using digital text.

TE5.06 Describe cyberbullying and the effect of cyberbullying.

TE5.07 Performs keyboarding skills to 25 wpm using proper technique at 80% minimum accuracy

TE5.08 Can enter/edit data using a simple formula using spreadsheet(s) to perform calculations.

TE5.09 Student can identify common shortcut keys and trackpad features used in creating documents and navigating the computer.

TE5.10 Use word processing/desktop publishing to perform simple editing and formatting.

Resources for all of Level 5

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