====== Technology Level 7 ====== ---- [[TE7.01|TE7.01]] Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different digital mediums. [[TE7.02|TE7.02]] Creates a self-directed, innovative movie, audio recording, or other multimedia project using digital tools to express original ideas. [[TE7.03|TE7.03]] Can correctly site digital sources in research projects and writing. [[TE7.04|TE7.04]] Can evaluate a website for accuracy and relevance. [[TE7.05|TE7.05]] Reports on safe online communication practices regarding personal information. [[TE7.06|TE7.06]] Performs keyboarding skills to 35 wpm using proper technique at 80% minimum accuracy [[TE7.07|TE7.07]] Can independently use word processing/desktop publishing for classroom assignments/projects [[TE7.08|TE7.08]] Can independently use spreadsheets for classroom assignments/projects. [[TE7.09|TE7.09]] Identifies several basic programming languages and gives examples of each language. [[TE7.10|TE7.10]] Use district approved email to read, send, and receive information. ---- Resources for all of Level 7 [[technology|back to Technology]]