====== Technology Level 8 ====== ---- ====Standards:==== | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.01|08.TE.01]] | Explain the various digital media copyright policies and apply them in a variety of situations (Fair Use, PDL). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.02|08.TE.02]] | Perform keyboarding skills to 35 wpm using proper technique at 80% minimum accuracy. | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.03|08.TE.03]] | Uses advanced spreadsheet skills including basic data visualization techniques (EG: pivot tables, and integrate into math and science lessons). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.04|08.TE.04]] | Communicate and publish ways to stay safe and be responsible on the internet, in regards to one's personal information, viruses, privacy settings, digital footprint, and password settings. | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.05|08.TE.05]] | Create a form of digital media (movie, audio recording, etc.). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.06|08.TE.06]] | Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different digital mediums (ie: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Extended Reality, Multi Point Screens). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.07|08.TE.07]] | Evaluate how technology can be used to distort, exaggerate, and misrepresent information. | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.08|08.TE.08]] | Describe and use safe, appropriate, and responsible practices (netiquette) when participating in online communities (e.g., discussion groups, blogs, social networking sites). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.09|08.TE.09]] | With guidance, participates in 8th grade level Computer Science lessons to accomplish a task or as a creative expression using a programming language, robot device or unplugged activity (i.e. code.org, scratch, ect). | | [[technology:08.TE:08.TE.10|08.TE.10]] | Complete 3 or more age appropriate digital health and/or wellness lessons (i.e. commonsensemedia.org, missingkids.org/netsmartz). | ---- ====Resources for all of Level 8:==== ---- [[:technology|back to Technology]]