====== Technology Level 6 ====== ---- ====Standards:==== | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.01|06.TE.01]] | Evaluate between fact, opinion, bias, inaccurate, and misleading information by consulting more than one source when using digital tools and the internet for research. | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.02|06.TE.02]] | Explains copyright rules (laws) about using video, audio, and/other digital sources in projects and assignments. | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.03|06.TE.03]] | Exhibits legal and ethical behavior when using technology. | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.04|06.TE.04]] | Performs keyboarding skills to 25 wpm using proper technique at 80% minimum accuracy. | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.05|06.TE.05]] | Students are introduced to best practices (specific keywords, quotation marks, the use of and/or, ect) in the use of search engine algorithms and AI and how they affect the information that is presented. | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.06|06.TE.06]] | Students actively uses shortcut keys and trackpad features used in creating documents and navigating the computer (ie. ⌘C to copy text). | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.07|06.TE.07]] | Can identify and explain the internal and physical components of a computer (motherboard, ram, hard drive, drives, CPU, interfaces, keyboards, touchscreens, etc.). | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.08|06.TE.08]] | Can analyze common computer problems, and explain solutions to problems as they arise (common display issues, force quit, control alt delete, google for help to fix things, etc.). | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.09|06.TE.09]] | Can use basic formatting tools in word processing, spreadsheet (including formulas), and multimedia software (ie. bold or underline text, adjust column size, or move pictures). | | [[technology:06.TE:06.TE.10|06.TE.10]] | With guidance, participates in 6th grade level Computer Science lessons to accomplish a task or as a creative expression using a programming language, robot device or unplugged activity (i.e. code.org, scratch, ect). | ====Resources for all of Level 6:==== ---- [[:technology:|back to Technology]]