====== Technology Level 4 ====== ---- ====Standards:==== | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.01|04.TE.01]] | Creates multimedia presentations with multiple pages and transitions for individual assignments. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.02|04.TE.02]] | Predicts which information sources will provide the desired data or information. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.03|04.TE.03]] | Identify and understand what they can or can not do within the Lake and Peninsula Acceptable Usage. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.04|04.TE.04]] | Recognize and describe the potential risks and dangers associated with various forms of online communication. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.05|04.TE.05]] | Identify and discuss the effects of cyberbullying. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.06|04.TE.06]] | Performs keyboarding skills to 15 wpm using proper technique at 80% minimum accuracy. | | [[technology:04.TE:04.TE.07|04.TE.07]] | With guidance, participates in 4th grade level Computer Science lessons to accomplish a task or as a creative expression using a programming language, robot device or unplugged activity (i.e. code.org, scratch, ect). | ====Resources for all of Level 4:==== [[http://www.edutopia.org/tech-to-learn-free-online-resources-video]] [[http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/archives/projects.shtml]] [[http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/archives/projects.shtml|List of Technology and Art Projects]] [[technology:|Back to Technology]]