===== SS.11.05.06 ===== ---- ==== Standard: ==== SS11.05.06 Uses census data from the last 50 years to describe population changes in India and China ====Standard Unpacked:==== Uses census data from the last 50 years to describe population changes in India and China ==== Lesson Plans: ==== ==== Resources: ==== India http://censusindia.gov.in/ China http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/statisticaldata/censusdata/ Troy's Resource: {{ ::ssc139_1.doc |}} {{ :ss_11_china_and_india_50_year_census_bw.docx |}} {{ :ss_11_china_and_india_50_year_census_wkst.docx |}} {{ :ss_11_china_and_india_census_et.docx |}} [[social_studies_level_11|Back to Social Studies Level 11]]