===== SS.03.01.02 ===== ---- ==== Standard: ==== SS03.01.02 Creates a project that compares and contrasts housing, family structures, clothing, language, art, and use of environmental resources between at least two Alaskan Native Groups ====Standard Unpacked:==== - Pick two Alaska Native Groups - Compare/Contrast their housing, family or clan structure, traditional clothing, language, art, use of environmental resources, transportation, food, traditions. - Present your finding in some sort of visual or written way. ==== Lesson Plans: ==== ==== Resources: ==== [[http://alaska.gov/kids/learn/nativeculture.htm]] [[https://fna.community.uaf.edu/alaska-native-cultures/]] [[http://www.alaskanative.net/en/main-nav/education-and-programs/cultures-of-alaska/]] [[http://www.akhistorycourse.org/articles/article.php?artID=314]] http://cdm1.library.uaf.edu/cdm/- Excellent site for exploring old photographs of Alaska. Type your village's name in the search, and old photos will come up. [[social_studies_level_3|Back to Social Studies Level 3]]