===== SS.02.05.02 ===== ---- ==== Standard: ==== SS02.05.02 Identifies the presidents and historical figures on bills $1 to $20 ($1 –George Washington, $5 – Abraham Lincoln, $10 – Alexandar Hamilton (1st US Secretary of the US Treasury), $20 Andrew Jackson) ====Standard Unpacked:==== What are the names of the presidents and historical figures on the $1, $5, $10, and $20? ==== Lesson Plans: ==== U.S. Mint - [[https://www.usmint.gov/kids/teachers/lessonPlans/index.cfm]] ==== Resources: ==== U.S. Mint for kids - [[https://www.usmint.gov/kids/]] **Apps to use with this Standard** * Money - Learn to Count Money * Money Pieces [[social_studies_level_2|Back to Social Studies Level 2]]