===== Social Studies Level 8 ===== **US Civics and Government/Alaska History and Government** ==== US Civics and Government ==== [[SS08.01.01|SS08.01.01]] Distinguishes between a government and a nation [[SS08.01.02|SS08.01.02]] Explains the purpose and functions of government [[SS08.01.03|SS08.01.03]] Compares and contrasts different forms of government both in theory and practice [[SS08.01.04|SS08.01.04]] Defines sovereignty and the three “unalienable rights” listed in the Declaration of Independence [[SS08.01.05|SS08.01.05]] Identifies and explains 6 basic principles in the U.S. Constitution [[SS08.01.06|SS08.01.06]] Describes the divisions of power between the federal, state, and local governments and the role/function of each [[SS08.01.07|SS08.01.07]] Explains the rights and responsibilities of civics as it applies to citizenship [[SS08.01.08|SS08.01.08]] Demonstrates an understanding of the following concepts: equality, justice, liberty and privacy [[SS08.01.09|SS08.01.09]] Researches and reports on at least two issues, problems, or concepts in constitutional law [[SS08.01.10|SS08.01.10]] Explains how a bill becomes law [[SS08.01.11|SS08.01.11]] Explains the different components and participants of the trial process [[SS08.01.12|SS08.01.12]] Researches and reports on at least one Supreme Court case [[SS08.01.13|SS08.01.13]] Compares and contrasts 5 different political points of view and their characteristics across the left-center-right political spectrum ( [[SS08.01.14|SS08.01.14]] Identifies the role of political parties and campaigns in elections [[SS08.01.15|SS08.01.15]] Explains the electoral process [[SS08.01.16|SS08.01.16]] Writes a letter, article, editorial, or persuasive essay to influence those in power in the local, state, or national community ==== Resources for All of Level 8 - US Civics and Government ==== [[https://www.icivics.org/|iCivics]] [[https://sites.google.com/lpsd.com/draft-lpsd?usp=sharing|Alaska History Google Site]] Core Resource: Pearson, Macgruders American Government Digital Resources: Online Teacher Center, [[http://www.phschool.com]] [[http://lpsdss8.weebly.com]] Link to Troy Roberts' resources for Level 8. All of Crash Course US Govt. and Politics links - [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8dPuuaLjXtOfse2ncvffeelTrqvhrz8H]] ---- ==== Alaska History and Government ==== [[SS08.02.01|SS08.02.01]]Uses a variety of sources to analyze the historical contributions and/or influences of significant individuals, groups, and organizations of indigenous Alaskans before western contact [[SS08.02.02|SS08.02.02]] Uses a variety of sources to analyze the impact of the relationships between AK Natives an Russians [[SS08.02.03|SS08.02.03]] Identifies patterns of transformation, competition, supply and demand, and subsistence activities in response to the use of natural resources during the Colonial Russian Period [[SS08.02.04|SS08.02.04]] Compares and contrasts tribal and western concepts of land ownership and how acting upon those concepts contributes to changes in land use, control, and ownership [[SS08.02.05|SS08.02.05]] Describes impacts the Treaty of Cession, the Marshall Trilogy, Mining Act of 1872, Organic Act of 1884 had on Alaskans [[SS08.02.06|SS08.02.06]] Describes at least one gold rush and its impact on natural resource development, land management, and social aspects of Alaskan communities [[SS08.02.07|SS08.02.07]] Explains the significance of the Nelson Act of 1905 on education and the subsequent history of education in Alaska [[SS08.02.08|SS08.02.08]] Explains Alaskan’s quest for self determination (i.e., full rights as US citizens) through the statehood movement [[SS08.02.09|SS08.02.09]] Draws conclusions about the significance of natural resources in Alaska’s development [[SS08.02.10|SS08.02.10]] Explains the impact of military actions on Alaskan communities [[SS08.02.11|SS08.02.11]] Describes the historical basis of federal recognition of tribes, the ongoing nature and diversity of tribal governance, and the plenary power of Congress [[SS08.02.12|SS08.02.12]] Explains Native efforts toward civil and land rights [[SS08.02.13|SS08.02.13]] Describes federal policies and legislation that recognized Native rights [[SS08.02.14|SS08.02.14]] Describes the importance of at least three significant individuals in modern Alaska history and/or government [[SS08.02.15|SS08.02.15]] Describes ANCSA and ANILCA and their impact on the state [[SS08.02.16|SS08.02.16]] Lists and describes the formation of Alaska Native Corporations and explains their impact on state and local economies [[SS08.02.17|SS08.02.17]] Creates a timeline that describes key turning points in recent Alaska history ==== Resources for All of Level 8 - Alaska Studies ==== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/19QU9oNfYVVb8kPQcMHRgQYpysojtffytEidExhIwYfc/edit?usp=sharing|AK History Overview: Final Project]] [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nfejyP0f6sa9NGGKUUKMiCwfYnBJnjU0/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105451159088012821353&rtpof=true&sd=true|Enriching AK History Reading Blog Assignment]] [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pPEWEtH8j4gtsXaCICnMUd3LGSjMN-P2/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105451159088012821353&rtpof=true&sd=true|AK History Learning Path]] [[http://www.alaskool.org/|Alaskool]] [[http://www.alaskastudiescenter.com/|Alaska Studies Center]] http://cdm1.library.uaf.edu/cdm/- Excellent site for exploring old photographs of Alaska. Type your village's name or topic in the search, and old photos will come up. Teacher Created Resource: {{ ::laketown.docx |}} Teacher Created Resource: {{ ::ak_history_scoot_game.pdf |}} **For Teachers Knowledge Building** [[http://ankn.uaf.edu/NPE/ancsa.html]] [[http://ankn.uaf.edu/Curriculum/Articles/History/]] **Books that are at many of the schools** * The Native People of Alaska by Steven J. Langdon * SITSIY YUGH NOHOLNIK TS'IN' As My Grandfather Told it, Traditional Stories from the Koyukuk told by Catherine Attla * Eyes Toward Icebergia (there is also a student activity book with this book) * The Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act - Selected Student Readings * Pitruuk Iqsagudryartuq (story in Alutiiq) * Sourdough Jim Pitcher, Autobiograpy of a Pioneer Alaska by James S. Pitcher * Alaska State Library Historical Momographs * Now, Then, and Forever (This book has writing from our students in 1989-1990) by LPSD * Now, Then, and Forever (This book has writing from our students in 1988-1989) by LPSD * The Capture of Attu from the Northern History Library * HIST 461, History of Alaska Readings * Readings Hist 115 * A History of Alaska Statehood * Alaska Peninsula Alutiiq Workbook * World War II in Alaska, A Resource Guide for Teachers and Students * Alaska "...Alaska The Last of the Land, and the First." * Alaska "...Alaska The Last of the Land, and the First." Teacher Notebook * Alaska History Unit III Student Manual * Alaska History Unit II Student Manual * As the Europeans Saw Them * Koyukon River Stories * Hands on Alaska, Art Activities for All Ages by Yvonne Y. Merrill * Alaska Blues, A Fisherman's Journal * Dictionary of Alaska Place Names by Donald J. Orth * Readings from Southwest Alaska edited by John Branson (there is a teachers guide also) * Building in an Ashen Land, Historic Resource Study of Katmai National Park by Clemens and Norris * Isolated Paradise by Frank B. Norris * More Readings from One Man's Wilderness, Editor John Branson. * Alaska's Wild Salmon by AK Dept of Fish and Game * Buried Dreams, The Rise and Fall of Clam Cannery on the Katmai Coast by Katherine Johnson * Snug Harbor Cannery by Katherine Johnson Ringsmuth * The Copper Spike by Lone E. Janson * Alaska a Land in Motion by Nancy Ferrell * A Naknek Chronicle by Don E. Dumond * Pipeline to Russia, The Alaska-Siberia Air Route in World War II, Edited by Alexander B. Dolitsky * Alaska Subsistence **Alutiiq Museum in Kodiak** [[https://alutiiqmuseum.org/]] This is the teachers page [[https://alutiiqmuseum.org/teachers]]. The Alutiiq Museum also sends out kits to schools - [[https://alutiiqmuseum.org/teachers/educational-boxes]] [[http://alutiiqeducation.org/]] Alutiiq Education Resources - [[http://alutiiqeducation.org/html/resources.php ]] Interactive Digital Storybooks Alutiiq [[https://alutiiqmuseum.org/teachers/publications]] [[social_studies|Back to Social Studies]]