===== Social Studies Level 7 ===== ==== Eastern Hemisphere ==== [[07.01.01|07.01.01]] Uses primary and secondary sources (i.e., historical and modern maps) to locate and describe the geographic spread of the Mongolian Empire and life of leader Genghis Khan [[07.01.02|07.01.02]] Explains the effects of British imperialism on India [[07.02.01|07.02.01]] Compares and contrasts at least two of the major states/civilizations of East, South, and West Africa [[07.02.02|07.02.02]] Describes the European exploration of Africa and identifies key explorers [[07.03.01|07.03.01]] Summarizes at least two different creation myths from cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere [[07.04.01|07.04.01]] Describes the significance of major achievements from Indian, Chinese, Japanese, African civilizations in the areas of art, architecture, technology, and mathematics [[07.04.02|07.04.02]] Describes the significance of legal codes, belief systems, caste systems, written languages in the development of human civilization [[07.05.01|07.05.01]] Identifies the roles and contributions of individuals in Ancient Egypt [[07.05.02|07.05.02]] Explains the effects of the rise and fall of the Persian Empire and identifies key figures [[07.05.03|07.05.03]] Explains the effects of the rise of the Mughal Empire and identifies key figures [[07.06.01|07.06.01]] Creates a timeline that illustrates the rise and fall of the Persian Empire [[07.06.02|07.06.02]] Creates a timeline that illustrates the rise and fall of the Mongolian Empire [[07.06.03|07.06.03]] Creates a timeline that illustrates the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire [[07.06.04|07.06.04]] Creates a timeline of the rise of Islam and its geographical center [[07.07.01|07.07.01]] Identifies major river systems and transportation routes of the Eastern Hemisphere [[07.07.02|07.07.02]] Maps the geographic boundaries of Africa, Asia, and Australia [[07.07.03|07.07.03]] Maps the colonization of Africa over time by European nations [[07.08.01|07.08.01]] Compares and contrasts matriarchal and patriarchal systems [[07.08.02|07.08.02]] Diagrams the caste systems of India [[07.08.03|07.08.03]] Identifies and explains two examples of tribal interactions in Africa [[07.09.01|07.09.01]] Analyzes trade along the Silk Road and the trans-Saharan trade in gold and salt [[07.09.02|07.09.02]] Analyzes the development of an organized slave trade within Africa [[07.09.03|07.09.03]] Describes the slavery systems of Egypt and the Middle East [[07.09.04|07.09.04]] Identifies and describes the significance of two historical natural resources from Africa and Asia [[07.09.05|07.09.05]] Compares and contrasts three different subsistence strategies [[07.09.06|07.09.06]] Defines supply and demand and compares and contrasts barter/trade systems with monetary systems ===== Resources for All of Level 7 ===== Free World History Textbook - [[http://www.ushistory.org/civ/index.asp]]\\ Core Resource: Pearson, History of Our World Digital Resources: Exam View, Teacher Express, [[http://www.phschool.com]] Khan Academy: Readings, questions, videos [[https://www.khanacademy.org/]] [[social_studies|Back to Social Studies]]