===== Social Studies Level 3 ===== ==== Alaska Studies ==== [[SS03.01.01 |SS03.01.01]] Presents an indigenous migration theory (Bering Land Bridge, Island Hopping) through writing, drawing and/or discussions [[SS03.01.02|SS03.01.02]] Creates a project that compares and contrasts housing, family structures, clothing, language, art, and use of environmental resources between at least two Alaskan Native Groups [[SS03.01.03|SS03.01.03]]Explains reasons for Russian exploration and lists causes and effects of contact [[SS03.01.04|SS03.01.04]] Reads and summarizes an Alaskan Native legend and/or song. [[SS03.02.01|SS03.02.01]] Creates a timeline that sequences at least 10 main events from Native Alaskan history to the present [[SS03.02.02|SS03.02.02]] Presents a project on how tools, technology, and/or transportation has or will change in Alaska using the terms past, present, and future [[SS03.03.01|SS03.03.01]] Creates a relief map identifying major land features (rivers, deltas, lakes, glaciers, mountains, valleys, volcanoes) and towns of Alaska [[SS03.03.02|SS03.03.02]] Creates a simple map showing where Alaskan Native groups (Athabascan, Aleut, Tlingit, Haida, Inuit, Eyak, Yup’ik, and Tsimshian ) reside [[SS03.04.01 |SS03.04.01]] Identifies major Alaskan symbols such as Alaskan flag, song, flower, bird etc. [[SS03.04.02|SS03.04.02]] Presents information about a significant Alaskan leader through writing, drawings and discussions [[SS03.04.03|SS03.04.03]] Creates a diagram that shows leadership and government roles in Alaska including the following: village or tribal leader, mayor, city council, state courts, governor, state legislature [[SS03.05.01|SS03.05.01]] Identifies natural and manufactured resources exported, imported and used in Alaska [[SS03.05.02|SS03.05.02]] Creates a travel brochure which includes a graph or chart and outlines major attractions (services) and resources (goods) of Alaska ===== Resources for All of Level 3===== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xNs1gjjw4FLi4z9SwCbEsQMVLfyUU3qa7xlwtChYbE8/edit?usp=sharing| Alaska Studies Curriculum Guide]] [[http://www.akhistorycourse.org/]] [[http://alaskahistoricalsociety.org/]] [[http://www.alaskakids.org/index.cfm/know-alaska/alaska-history]] [[http://akstudies.akhf.org/]] http://cdm1.library.uaf.edu/cdm/- Excellent site for exploring old photographs of Alaska. Type your village's name in the search, and old photos will come up. [[social studies|Back to Social Studies]]