===== Social Studies Level 1 ===== [[SS01.01.01|SS01.01.01]]Compares and contrasts family cultures (e.g. foods, language, religion, traditions) around the world [[SS01.01.02|SS01.01.02]]Summarizes stories and/or songs originating from a variety of cultures [[SS01.02.01|SS01.02.01]]Compares and contrasts school life in the past to school life in the present. (eg. Parents/grandparents interviews, class presenters, AK digital archives) [[SS01.02.02|SS01.02.02]]Tells a historical narrative about his/her own family [[SS01.02.03|SS01.02.03]]Understands and makes family connections using the terms niece, nephew, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparents, mother (mom), father (dad) [[SS01.03.01|SS01.03.01]]Creates and uses a map of the classroom; map includes title, legend, and directions (north, south, east, west) [[SS01.04.01|SS01.04.01]]Recognizes important United States symbols (etc. Bald Eagle, Statue of Liberty, US Flag, White House) [[SS01.04.02|SS01.04.02]]Creates classroom rules and explains why people do not have the right to do whatever they want (to promote fairness, ensure the common good, and maintain safety) [[SS01.05.01|SS01.05.01]]Knows the names of presidents on a nickel (Thomas Jefferson), dime (Franklin Roosevelt), quarter (George Washington), and penny (Abraham Lincoln) [[SS01.05.02|SS01.05.02]]Writes, tells, or draws and presents information about a job in the school (i.e., teacher, cook, aide) and supplies some facts (duties, pay, work) relevant to that job [[SS01.05.03|SS01.05.03]]Creates a project showing understanding of potential economical resources in local environment (i.e., recipe book of subsistence food, wood for sale sign, bottled water) ===== Resources for All of Level 1 ===== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cc5xezCKHFIAP06z8a-6tYJgiLYza0yd/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108034880973834227883&rtpof=true&sd=true|Alignment to R4R and core resource]] [[social_studies|Back to Social Studies]]