===== Employability Level 9 ===== [[EM09.01.01|EM09.01.01]] Prioritizes three career choices based on personal strengths, weaknesses, values and interests [[EM09.01.02|EM09.01.02]] Updates resume and list of references [[EM09.01.03|EM09.01.03]] Uses various resources to demonstrate skills to locate and use information about careers, jobs, and postsecondary options [[EM09.01.04|EM09.01.04]] Practices professional communication skills (firm hand shake, eye contact, appropriate introductions, cold-calling businesses, etc.) [[EM09.01.05|EM09.01.05]] Interviews one person from a career of personal interest [[EM09.01.06|EM09.01.06]] Understands the connection between education and career opportunities [[EM09.01.07|EM09.01.07]] Understands the connection between career choice and resultant lifestyle [[EM09.01.08|EM09.01.08]] Understands that businesses and corporations have a hierarchal structure and a chain of command [[EM09.01.09|EM09.01.09]] Understands that both employees and employers have legal rights and responsibilities [[EM09.01.10|EM09.01.10]] Displays dependability by exhibiting commitment, follow-through and strong work ethic [[EM09.01.11|EM09.01.11]] Demonstrates flexibility, adaptability and resiliency while maintaining a positive attitude (through perseverance, acceptance, problem solving, and patience) [[EM09.01.12|EM09.01.12]] Consistently applies non-violent conflict resolution strategies [[EM09.01.13|EM09.01.13]] Revises education map [[EM09.01.14|EM09.01.14]] Completes team service project following these steps: name three examples of possible service projects, complete needs assessment, evaluate the impact of various projects, design project, complete and evaluate [[EM09.01.15|EM09.01.15]] Maintains an updated personal Wellness and Safety Plan ===== Resources for All of Employability Level 9 ===== Activities and Assessment Guide {{::em_9_activities_and_assessments_guide.pdf|}} [[employability|Back to Employability ]]